Tuesday, 5 June 2007

A little introduction .....

I thought I should probably start with a little introduction to some of the main players you will see around here. I have a great bunch of knitting friends and they will be playing a big part around these shores, so here they are .....

This is Jolene (knitting slippers from hell) and Ryan (who did knit once ... but appears to be resisting now ... hence the coursework on his knee) in a local shopping centre. We were trying it out for Stitch 'n' Bitch appeal, but it was not to be.

Then we have Nikki (on the left with her tongue out) and Rebecca (on the right with her tongue out). I don't know what the world is coming to that knitters can't even be trusted to keep their oral facilities in their mouths, but what can you do?

We knit in each other's houses, we knit on the bus, in the cinema, in cars (moving and parked), in restaurants, in arenas, on holiday, at home, at work ... whenever and wherever we shall knit. I admit there are times when nerves have gotten the better of us, but mostly we knit it out, loud and proud! We are bringing knitting love to the masses in Northern Ireland, one public place at a time. We shall educate them (yes people do think we're sewing) and they shall embrace our passions. Perhaps I'm becoming a little over-exuberant here ........

We're a bit of a strange knitting bunch. We knit on the beach, we knit wearing masks, we knit eternal scarves and hat/bags, we knit to dvds, we knit to all hours of the morning and we even have knitting zombies!

On occasion we knit in the dark (thanks to a fateful blackout on the new Year crossover from 2006 to 2007). To prove there was knitting going on we have photographic evidence with and without flash. It's hard to believe that knitting was going on under the darkness, but we're a tough bunch (despite appearances).

So now we're all acquainted, I'm sure we'll see a lot more of each other *grin*


Anonymous said...

brilliant! i shall be an avid reader, follower and dedicated SnB/KIPper! Cameras ahoy!

Anonymous said...

oops, that was me, Nikki shock horror!

Tracey said...

Aww, I'm so jealous you have such a great knitting friend following and group! My only knitting friend here moved away in February and I have been knitting alone since then :(

I know there is a group that meets out by my place during the week, but i'm usually too busy with work, or rushing home to do laundry and never seem to make it. That and i'm just a big chicken! ha ha

But excited to be meeting so many great knitters through the SKP group on Facebook :)